Frequently Asked Questions

How effective is telehealth for mental health?

Telehealth for mental and behavioral health care can be just as effective as in-person care. A research study initially published in November of 2021, included 1,192 adult patients in the in-person mental health care group and 1,192 adult patients in the telemedicine/online mental health care group, and "results suggest telehealth as a viable care alternative with no significant differences between in-person and telehealth groups in depressive symptom reduction, and significant increases in self-reported quality of life across both groups." (Bulkes et al., 2022)

Nonetheless, there are pros and cons to both telehealth and in-person care. Ultimately, the choice between telehealth and in-person care should be based on individual care needs and preferences. It is vital for clients to carefully consider what works best for them.

If you are new to telehealth and believe it may offer you benefits, schedule a consult today to go over any questions you may have about the process or your care. By scheduling a consultation, you can learn more about how telehealth works and how it can benefit you. You can ask any questions you may have regarding the process, such as how to set up the necessary technology. Don't hesitate to schedule a consult if you are curious about telehealth and its potential advantages.


Bulkes, N. Z., Davis, K., Kay, B., & Riemann, B. C. (2022). Comparing efficacy of telehealth to in-person mental health care in intensive-treatment-seeking adults. Journal of psychiatric research, 145, 347–352.

What services are offered and how are visits conducted?

Mental Health Today LLC offers a range of services including consults, psychiatric evaluations, psychotherapy, and medication management. These services are conducted through secure online video streaming, ensuring client confidentiality and adhering to HIPAA compliance.

To access these services, all you need is a stable internet connection and a mobile device or computer with a camera and microphone capabilities. It is important to have a private area where you can comfortably engage in the visit. Mental Health Today is dedicated to providing high-quality mental health care from the convenience and comfort of your own space. Don't hesitate to reach out and take the first step towards improving your mental well-being.

Who can be seen at Mental Health Today, LLC?

Anyone who lives in Washington state and is 13 years old or older can seek help at Mental Health Today, LLC. This inclusive mental health clinic welcomes individuals from all walks of life and provides support and care to anyone in need. Whether you are seeking therapy for yourself or for a loved one, Mental Health Today is dedicated to offering compassionate and effective treatment. I believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to live a happy and fulfilling life, and I am committed to making that a reality for individuals in Washington state who reach out for my help. By offering a helping hand and fostering a positive environment, I aspire to empower individuals and equip them with the necessary tools to thrive. Thus, I am determined to make a profound difference in the lives of those who trust me with their aspirations and dreams.

What are the primary conditions you treat?

I specialize in treating a range of conditions, including anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, alcohol use disorder, post-partum depression, PTSD, and ADHD. In addition to addressing these conditions, I also provide support for individuals who are going through temporary life transitions. This may include situations such as leaving for college, those who struggle with social anxiety, changing careers or jobs, adjusting to the addition of a new family member or to someone leaving the household, grief counseling, those who are facing relationship problems, individuals who have recently or are in the midst of moving, those who are recovering from a serious health condition or have been given a terminal diagnosis, those facing challenges regarding gender expression, sleep problems, issues with motivation, and stress. I understand that these transitions can be challenging and overwhelming, and I am here to help my clients navigate through them with empathy and support.

What conditions do you NOT treat and why?

To ensure the safety and effectiveness of the care provided here, Mental Health Today, LLC is unable to treat high acuity conditions that require specialized training and additional supportive services.

These conditions include active self-harm or suicidal thoughts, schizophrenia and active psychosis, anorexia and bulimia, autism spectrum disorders, borderline personality disorder, cardiac arrhythmia, dissociative identity disorder, epilepsy and other seizure disorders, traumatic brain injury, non-verbal learning disorders, mixed receptive-expressive disorders, and active substance abuse. Mental Health Today, LLC understands the importance of addressing these conditions with the appropriate resources and expertise, and I encourage you to seek specialized care for these specific needs.

Do you prescribe medications for mental health?

I hold the belief that medication may not be the ultimate solution for everyone. Nevertheless, I acknowledge its significance in certain situations, such as providing a temporary support during times of change or as a long-term aid if it proves to be beneficial. However, it is important to remember that there are always alternative approaches to consider when seeking treatment for mental and behavioral health concerns. The availability of additional options ensures that individuals have the opportunity to explore various avenues and find the approach that best suits their needs and preferences. Emphasizing a holistic approach to mental and behavioral health supports the notion that there are multiple paths towards healing and well-being.

My main objective is to assist every client in achieving self-sufficiency and balance to the best of their abilities. As mental health requires ongoing attention, many of my clients choose to continue seeing me for long-term and intermittent counseling. I highly recommend this approach for everyone, as it varies depending on where you are in life. As mental health providers, we are taught to seek supervision and support from our peers, which I have always found to be immensely helpful and supportive.

What do you NOT prescribe and why?

With the reinstatement of the Ryan Haight Act on December 31, 2023, following the conclusion of the Covid Emergency and the expiration of temporary waivers, it is now mandatory to personally visit your psychiatric provider in order to obtain a prescription for controlled substances. As a telehealth provider, I have made the decision to refrain from prescribing medications that fall under this category. This choice stems from the fact that my practice primarily operates through remote consultations, and I am unable to fulfill the new requirement of in-person visits. While I understand the importance of these medications for some patients, I am committed to providing alternative treatment options and support to promote their well-being. If you require assistance in exploring non-controlled substance treatments or psychological counseling, I am here to guide you and ensure you receive the care you need.

Examples of controlled substances not prescribed include narcotics/opiates; "z-drugs" such as zolpidem, zaleplon, and eszopiclone; stimulants such as Adderall, Vyvanse, and Ritalin; and benzodiazepines such as Xanax, Ativan, and Valium.

Clients with ADHD often come to me for assistance, but I do not prescribe medications like Adderall or Vyvanse, which are classified as controlled substances. However, there are alternative medications available that are not controlled and can still be beneficial. Additionally, lifestyle changes such as improving nutrition, engaging in regular exercise, and implementing behavioral techniques can also be helpful in managing the symptoms of ADHD. These non-medication approaches can provide clients with a more holistic and well-rounded treatment plan, addressing both the physical and behavioral aspects of their condition.

I don't want to take medications, what holistic options do you offer?

The key to providing the most effective treatment for someone is to take into account their complete well-being, encompassing their physical, mental, and spiritual aspects. In order to achieve this holistic approach, we can delve into various avenues such as incorporating vitamins and a balanced diet, engaging in meditation and breathing exercises, exploring the therapeutic benefits of art, and harnessing the healing properties of herbs. These practices can work synergistically to promote overall wellness and address any specific concerns or ailments. If you have any other suggestions or queries, I am readily available to assist you in discovering additional information and guidance.